Monday, November 24, 2008

Totally Necessary

I was having Random thoughts the other morning, last night and again this morning re: Christmas shopping.

I've decided to get people things that are only necessary.
Then I decided to go one further and ask for things that are only necessary for myself.
I want to de-clutter my life, and my house. Who really needs all those things that just are, they really don't have a purpose do they?

Well I started thinking what to buy people, what they really needed and what was really necessary to them.
Does my Sister REALLY need another pair of shoes?
Does my Dad REALLY care if he gets more socks?
Does my Mom REALLY need this or that?

Then I started thinking about myself... (Yeah it happens occasionally)
What do I need that is totally necessary. I tried, I mean I really tried to think of only necessary things and here is what my logic is:
Well, it's TOTALLY NECESSARY for me to have that new camera. I might DIE without it.
Then I also realized, it's TOTALLY NECESSARY for me to get a new coaching bag. I might PERISH without it.
BUT, what about that north face vest, and shoes? I might FREEZE and DIE without them.

So, as you can see. I can't really split the difference from what is necessary and what I just want.
So why should I expect those around me to do the same thing? It's not fair of me to do that and really I'm a very fair and understanding person. Everyone wants what they think is TOTALLY NECESSARY for themselves and where they are in life..... well kinda.

Oh well, I can always try to convince myself again next year.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pecan Pie, Turnip Gratin.

Sounds like I need to invest in some bigger jeans.

I was cruising around yesterday on the Pioneer Woman's website and found these two gems.
They are very simple recipes (who doesn't love simple) and look really really good.
Seriously my mouth started watering just looking at the pictures.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I thought to myself.
Self: "You should make those for Thanksgiving, I'm sure they will be good. But it will be a nice change up to the usual fixin's"

So there you have it folks. I have 2 meals out of 54.2 planned out! Not bad right?

I only have lets see 5 pies or more to make. I'm the designated pie maker in our family.
I use to relish in that title, but now as I'm older and wiser.
I view it for what it really is.... a big pain in the butt.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh dear. I know how you feel.

This past weekend the Volleyball team I've been coaching headed off to the Divisional Tournament.

We went in hope full and fully confident we would do well and continue on to state. (This team I feel, could have went to state and competed just fine with the other teams)

As most of you know, tournament time is a crazy time. Some teams are tournament teams, some are not.
We played well during our tournaments in the past. Either taking first or second at all the tournaments we had participated in.

This however evidently had to come to an end.
All high school tournaments are double elimination. (Keep this in mind)

Our first game was on Thursday and we played North Star.
We won in 5 games. They played well, and fought for that win.

The next game we had was Geraldine. Geraldine is in our district and we had played them before and had beaten them 2 other times.
We played them on Friday, and we lost to Geraldine.
I'm not sure why? I believe that was the worst game of volleyball those girls had ever played.

It's okay though, we are still in this. We just have to come back up from the bottom. Totally possible!

On Saturday we had to play North Star, again.
We beat them in 3. North Star is out, and get to stay.

Our next game was then at 1:00 against Simms Tigers, then we would have another shot at Geraldine at 4:00. Then we would be back in the championship game.

1:00 rolls around and we play Simms. The first two games the girls played scared and safe. This technique NEVER works. We lost the first two games.
That third game, they came out and really played. And they beat Simms, things were looking up and we were gaining hope again.
Then, the fourth game was over before I knew it.
I hate to say this, but some of the girls just flat out quit.
Some were tired, and some were just young.
All in all. We lost to Simms in 4 games.
We were out. No more.

This all brought me back to that feeling I had my senior year in volleyball when we lost out in District's. You feel so sad, so many what ifs. You wonder why things happened they way they did, but ultimately you really had no control. And that feeling is the worst one ever.

Man oh Man, did we have some tears.
I didn't know how to handle them. I gave pat's on the back, good job's. But there is nothing you can say to make those girls feel better. Especially the seniors.

I just quietly stood there with them.
I was thinking the entire time. "Oh dear, I know exactly how you feel."

I wanted to cry with them and for them, but it wouldn't have helped. What was done is done.
They will all move on. Some will forget, and some won't. (I know I never did)

I don't think there is anything to say that will "help", or be "the right thing."
That has been the hardest part of coaching to date.
But I was there, standing with them, understanding that feeling.
I think that is the best thing I could have done.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When it's windy make sure you have a hold of your hat

Yesterday, I was seriously like super lady.

I went to work for a couple hours, got off early due to Veterans Day.
Ran to Great Falls for Groceries. (Fastest trip ever in Walmart, I swear)

Made it back in time for volleyball practice.

Went home and unloaded the groceries, and made dinner.

I should get a medal or something. Even a thank you would suffice.
Anyways, that's neither here nor there.

I made Beans and Corn Bread. (Beans.... ew)Ryan likes that type of stuff.
But it smelled good. It was a thick soupy type meal with beans and bacon.
And the corn bread. (that's what I ate for dinner, but it was really good.)

I'll post recipes later... aka when I remember to bring the recipes with me!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Oh Shit.

Well, I did it. I took the big commitment.

It's been a BIG day for me...

What a minute? What big commitment am I talking about?

well, I am now the new proud owner of auto insurance.
oh shit.

The free quote I got was great. But did you know in the state of Montana if you are married, you can't not put your spouse's name on the policy.
oh shit.

Did you know when you give them your vehicle registration number.... chances are that free quote price will GO UP???

Yeah, it happened, it sucks. Not a damn thing I can do about it now.

Oh well, at least if anything happens, anything at all that vehicle is covered through and through.

And the guy who was helping me said in a very chipper voice. "Welcome to Geico, have a great weekend!"

"Oh yeah, you too."

They are probably on commission or something.

Thanks buddy. You just sealed the deal. I'll be eating Ramon Noodles for the next year or so.

So much for getting a great price on insurance.
In the end they always stick it to you don't they.

Yeah, no shit.

Random Meanings and vows

Okay, this post is for one purpose and one purpose only.
As you may or may not be able to tell, I've been spring cleaning in a sense. Getting ready to have some time off and make my way back to the kitchen that I hardly even know anymore.

(She must think I hate her, I go in there very rarely, I always leave a mess and almost never clean it up anymore. What happened? I got busy....well actually I got a life.)
I remember the days when I would whip up an Amazing desert or dinner, or snack. Then Promptly I would clean and scrub and have my dear beloved red kitchen gleaming from mixing bowl to turkey baster. Sadly those days haven't been since 5 month's or longer.

But I'm taking a vow to change that



If you are thinking about giving this a try yourself, Please join me!
Take a look at all the new links I've added, I'm sure you'll get lost in their wonderful goodness just like I did.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Officially fed up.

That's it. That is it. I've had it.
No More being nice. No more being polite.

State Farm: Please get off your ass and give me a damn settlement payment.

Farmers State Bank: Please get off your ass and get my note paid off. They need my information, and I've given you permission, so release everything already.
I refuse to give out any more money to you. You suck and it's over. Finished, no more. Nada Enchilada. I'm taking my money and business else where.

ERRRRR, this is absolutely ridiculous.
It has been long enough. I'm tired and I want this done.

Keep it up, and I'll cut your damn feet off. Then what will you do?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh crap.

The election is over. I'm relived, I don't have to listen to another stupid campaign... Thank GOD!

But now that it's over, I'm really really worried.
What will happen to our economy? What will the future bring?

Oh Crap. I can't help but think we are in for some trouble.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008

Yup, that's right! It's that time again.

It's the day to vote. It's the day to use your voice.

I'm happy to say, I will be exercising my right to vote today. (for the first time ever... I know I know. I should have registered a long time ago)

But I'm here and ready now and that counts for something right? right!

I'm taking part in a very important election, as you all well know. And you all better get off your butts today and vote. Our very economy relies on it!

Go, go now! GO VOTE!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Holy Moly!

It's November 3rd ALREADY??
Fall Back Time has come and gone.
There was a commercial for Christmas movies ALREADY.
60 days until Christmas??

Where did the time go? What happened to my life?
I remember some summer and I remember the last couple weeks.

What the heck happened in between?

It's a blur.
I need help.
Or a memory.

See why I have to write things down, or else I forget it. Like it never happened.