Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh yeah, did I tell you I went branding. Again

Yeah this happened sometime in July? Better late then never right?
It was kinda cold and the calves were huge, but I did get some good pictures.
Isn't that little girl adorable?
And now I think I'm caught up!
This has been my summer. Work, branding, camping, work.
But I have enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No that is not a tan, it's just dirt

This last week our crew was called out to fire.
On fire you typically are moping up the whole time. Which is fine with me, but it's a dirty job.
You literally get black ash everywhere; your face, neck, arms and legs.
Needless to say when you get back from fire, your first want/ need is a shower.
This is what I looked like when we got back to the truck on Sunday.

And yes, I left a ring around the shower. ha ha ha
This job is not for those who don't like to get dirty.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My current favorite picture

Monday, July 26, 2010

This is my job....

You jealous??


As you can tell it was muddy, we got rained on.
But much fishing was done and laying in the sun.
That is all I require to make camping fun for me.

As it happens, I'm still alive.

I love my job.
However it takes up a lot of time... obviously!
My normal day consists of hauling my chain saw around all day and cut down trees.
This to me is fun, I love being outside.

When we get the lucky chance to be dispatched out on fire we do that.
Fire is the ultimate high. It's a dirty job but SO much fun!
I really love my job.

Other then that I've been camping and just hanging out.
I will be posting some pictures to keep you entertained for the next 3 months.

and I'm totally not kidding.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And now I shall sing to you...

Feels like HOME to me...
Feels like HOME to MEEEE.

Ok I'm done.
This weekend I'm coming home.
I'm going hiking with a friend, getting my hair trimmed, visiting family, my pets, and cutting down some trees.
Of course only dead trees.

It shall be fun, long and busy.
What else is new.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Holy Crap

Do they pull guys aside one day in school and teach them how to be raging douche bags?

They need to stop doing that... the world is over populated as it is.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do over??

Can I get a do over?
I would like a do over for spring?

I understand rain is a must for spring, however snow.... not so much.

I'm sick and tired of snow.
Send it back, we don't need it anymore.

Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

April showers bring May....

High School Rodeo

Team Roping

Dirty steers, they get you every time.

Calf Tying

Steer Wrestling
late start, no finish.


I'm Alive! I just got a job!!!

Yeah you read that right. I got a job.
Doing what?
I am an official Fire Fighter for the Forest Service.
I'm just wrapping up my 2nd week and I love it.
Today we got to go out to a unit to burn.
I am actually getting to use my degree some! It's so exciting!!
So make up for my absence, I will post some pictures.

Yay for loving your job.
Yay for having a job!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The road leading home...

It's not a bad road. The scenery isn't bad either.
I love the way the area and views change when you leave one county and enter another.