This is now what my hair looks like. I like it but I don't think I have caught the blond fever like my sister has!
This past weekend was my sister's graduation. I faced the day with a smile and a very dry sense of humor. I knew I was going to need it when I was asked tons of questions.
And not to mention during the graduation, My Dad was sad his last child was graduating. I even wore a dress.
It was green and pretty, pretty awesome!
Graduation was good, pretty short and sweet but My Lord was it HOT in that gym. I wish schools would invest in AC, it would serve the community well especially during events like graduation. My parents held my Sister's grad party at the house. We ate burgers, salad, chips and dip. I made the desert (like always) all in all it was a great day and a great turnout.
To end the night we had a little camp fire and roasted marshmallow's.
That is my Nephew, always worried about his hair and girls. He has already passed My Mom and Sister in height, but much to his dismay he still has a while before he will catch me!
I'm secretly praying I will keep growing just to compete with him!
The next day, I packed my bags said my goodbye's and headed home.It was a nice day, my only complain was I was held up at Rodger's pass with road construction. However my little set back allowed me to have this quick scenic photo shoot with my phone!
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