Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This Time Last Year....

I was moving cows.

I had so much fun moving cows.

There is something so free about being on the back of your horse.
There are no cell phones, no cars, no busy noise.
The only noise are the cows calling for their calves, the cowboys talking to their dogs, to their horses, and the occasional "whooping" noise to keep the cows moving.

Have you ever been on your horse and just listened to the cows calling each other, it's very calming almost therapeutic. It's something I wish I could hear more often.

When I was on my horse moving cows I felt peaceful like I had found an old friend again.
It is a fond memory I have on the ranch. Moving cows, riding my horse, spending time with someone you care about all day. It's something I think about often as the weather warms up.

That's what I love about the Ranch life, there is always something to do, here there are plenty of opportunities to spend time outside and with family.

Then reality hits and you have to get a job, you have to always be busy.
To busy to really enjoy the things you love in life.
If I had all the money in the world I would quit my job, except coaching. That isn't a job to me it's fun, it's something I've always wanted to do.

I would slow down and enjoy the things I love.

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