Friday sometime Lucky went outside, and I thought he came back in.
I realized in the middle of the night, he wasn't in the house.
I opened the door and called and called for him.
No reply. I thought he was holed up under the back porch like he often does when he is outside.
I figured I see him in the morning for breakfast.
When I didn't see him, I thought, it's okay I'll see him for dinner. He will get hungry and come home.
Then slowly doubt started to creep in.
I never saw him Saturday. I was constantly outside searching for him, calling for him. Trying to lure him out of his hiding spot with food.
Deep down I thought, something must have got him.
But I still held out hope that he would come home on Sunday.
Sunday morning nothing. No lucky kitty.
Sunday night, still nothing.
After asking around if anyone had seen him, and all the answer's were no.
Finally I said he's gone. Something must have got him.
Still this morning when I got up, I couldn't help but hurry to the back door to see if he had come home.
I wanted to so bad to see him sitting at the door looking up at me with his blue eyes.
But he wasn't there.
I feel so bad, knowing that he was scared and more then likely in pain. And I feel horrible knowing he was probably at the door at some point in time, meowing hoping I would hear him and let him in the house.
For those of you that think he is just a cat, it's not that big of a deal.
You don't understand.
Lucky was a comfort to me. At the beginning and end of each day I knew with out a doubt he would always be happy to see me. He would always come sit on the couch with me.
He would always come to me to rub behind his ears.
Now he is gone and I'm unbelievably sad. My house really isn't the same without him. I miss his big fluffy tail and big blue eyes. I'm glad however, that we found him when we did and that he did have a good life. He was just a cat, but he was my cat and I loved him.

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