Friday, July 10, 2009

Slow Summer Friday

I think today is the perfect lazy Friday, work is slow, no weekend plans, it's the slow summer days like these that are awesome. On slow summer days I just hang out, I'm really not a very exciting individual.
So let's just look at some pictures shall we?

This big guy to your left is "lucky" We found him in our chicken coop as a kitten, poor baby was so skinny. He was lucky we found him.

Our other feline friend to the right is "little girl" I found her at the local school. Poor old thing the kids at the school weren't very nice to her and she often had rocks thrown at her. But now I have her and she has a much better life.

Rest assured these two rescue kitty's are now spoiled rotten! I can't help it.... they had a rough life before we found them, and I think they deserve to be spoiled.

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