Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I just don't look like that....

Remember this picture I posted? I was talking about learning to love running.
Well I still like to run. But check out this girl...She still looks normal.
She doesn't look red in the face, or like she is sweating her face off.
I just don't look like this when I work out.

Please see exhibit A through C Exhibit A: I am rather sweaty, and my hair is a glorious mess.
Exhibit B: This is right after I ran 2 miles for the first time.
Note the red face, and sweat running off my face.
Exhibit C: This however makes it all worth it. I love my guns.
I guess you could say I'm proud of them.

1 comment:

Rene said...

Love your humor!! Makes me laugh. But it is so true about the picture and "REAL LIFE"

Good Job on Running 2 miles proud of you! Couch Handly would be glad to see that you had it in you!!

love ya - Mom