Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bentley is Growing!

My little Niece Bentley is growing! She is so darn cute.
My Sister and I can not pass up ANY opportunity for pictures.
So here she is in all her chubby glory at 7 months.... right?

She is such a good sport, she let us have our "dress up" time. My Lord do I love this little girl!!
The picture with the shades get's me every time, oh she makes me laugh!!

Baby Belly

Very soon there will be a adorable baby boy being welcomed into the world!
Everyone is excited to meet the little fella!
In the mean time we took some belly pictures, we were so lucky to have such beautiful weather!
Here are some of my favorites!

You two are going to be wonderful parents, I can't wait to meet the little love muffin!
 Thank you for a day full of laughter!

Catching up

Finally I am making my word correct and posting some pictures.
I know it's later then I had originally stated but when you live WITHOUT Internet it's hard to get things posted. I'm working on getting Internet, but you know all the commercial that say if you can see the sky, you can get Internet?

they lie.

I have a very big view of the sky and CANNOT get Internet.
It haunts my dreams at night.

Anyways I digress.
The much awaited pictures....
I had a chance to take pictures of a good friend. One of my very first friends I had when I moved here.
She is away at school so we don't get to see each other very much. So it was SO nice to not only see her
but to catch up on everything in each other's lives. And I also got a chance to meet her boyfriend, what a super nice guy! On to the pictures....

What a cute pair huh! They were troopers, braving the winds and up for every different location I had. Thanks again you guys! I had fun and it was nice to see you :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Small update and good news!

February has come and gone, it has been a weird winter for Montana
with snow that comes and goes quickly and some very warm weather.
Today is one of these strange beautiful days, no wind, no snow, blue skies
and the sun is out!

I really hope we are not going to end up with snow in June! I will keep
my fingers crossed just to be safe.

On to the good news, I have two scheduled photo shoots this week.
Both of which I will post early next week.

Here is to a BEAUTIFUL Monday!