Thursday, January 14, 2010

and now a word from our sponsor...

Wow, my blog looks like an art gallery.
Picture overload much??
Apparently I need to learn things in moderation.
Moderation is good.

I just wanted to write an update....

I am okay.

Really. Truly and Honestly. I am okay.

I don't have to keep saying it over an over again, just so I believe it.

Sure there are days I remember something and I get a little sad thinking about it.
But it doesn't consume me anymore, I can think back and remember things and when the memory has played out. I can go back to my day.

I feel like I am in a good spot.
A spot where I can talk about what happened and not burst into tears if the wrong thing is said.
I'm in a place where I can separate the good and the bad.
Better yet? I'm in a place where I can admit yes it was sad that things happened the way they did. But we just weren't happy, it wasn't going to work out.

I'm ready for my new start.
I'm content at the moment, making me happy first.
And that is Okay.

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