Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Time = Baking & weight gain!

Forgive me for yesterday. Will you please? If it was you in my spot I'm sure you would have complained about your darn tire too.

I got the tired fixed and all is right once again.
Now back to the regular scheduled programing.
But I don't really have a schedule... oh nevermind.

Molasses, Moalazzes, Muhlesses
You ever do that with a word? Oh, I know you do don't lie.

Anyways, the other day I was having a craving for something sweet and well I went overboard.

I made chocolate chip cookies and rice crispie treats. Crispy, Crispee, Chrispee.
They were delish, wanna know how I know. They were gone the next day. Ryan had a healthy breakfast of coffee and rise chrispee treats!

The chocolate chip cookies didn't stand a chance either.

Now, I'm on a mission to try out 3 different Molasses cookies recipes. Yes 3.
It's okay Molasses is okay in moderation right? RIGHT?
Well I will report back to you and let you know how it goes.
Also once I get the family recipe from my Mom I will be making the best sugar cookies EVA. NO SERIOUSLY they are awesome. They could save the world.

Sadly I won't share that recipe, it's a family secret. So that means I will make them and rub it in your face at how wonderful they are.
Then you'll laugh and call me fat cause I've been eating too many treats.
Then I'll go home and cry and eat some more.
Then I go to counseling and be miserable.
And it will all be your fault for laughing at me and calling me fat.
All over sugar cookies.

See I told you they are powerful.

1 comment:

Rene said...