Friday, December 12, 2008

update quickie

The roast I made the other night was GOOD, took longer then I thought to cook. But it was good. I also made killer mashed potatoes and gravy to accompany it. I didn't want my roast, the beautiful roast to be lonely.

Wednesday night, I hit a dog ( I know my thought was... "Merry Christmas, and I ran over your dog. Okay gotta go!"). The dog had a really bad habit of chasing cars. I felt really bad, but fortunately I was driving really slow cause our road is really bumpy so all the dog suffered was a broken leg. The owner is getting the dog fixed. Hopefully his car chasing days are over cause he's a pretty expensive pup now.

Yesterday I had to take a buffalo to town. I looked really classy with a dead buffalo in the back of my truck. And the thing that cracked me up was my tail gate was down and the image people who were driving behind me was the dead buffalo's butt.... well actually a big hole, because it had been cleaned and gutted. So they saw the empty cavity of the belly and gaping hole where poop used to come out. (I laughed a lot at the faces I saw in my rear view mirror)

Last night I couldn't fall asleep. I don't know why though because I was tired, really tired. But finally around 1:00 sleep finally came.

This morning I was tired.

I'm still tired.

We are going to be sending out our Christmas cards soon. Hopefully by Monday.

I have a basketball tournament to coach on Sunday.

I need to water my chickens when I get home. (Yeah I have chickens, wanna make something of it??)

I'm going to try my hardest to make some cookies tonight. I've been wanting to try a new recipe all week.

Thank goodness it's Friday!!
Have a good weekend!

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