Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday- I went home early, I released myself from work with my self diagnosis of grumpitis and cramps.
I went home and ate some pasta salad and took a much needed nap on the couch.
Later that night I went to the movie "UP"
Believe it or not but that was my first 3-D movie ever! It was pretty cool, and I got to keep the glasses!
The movie was good, at first it was a little sad but the middle and ending were really good. And you get a sweet pair of glasses.

Saturday- it snowed. Enough said.
I had to put bags over my plants, I didn't want them to freeze.
I went to some friends later that night and made dinner.
Came home and went to bed.

Sunday- I slept in till 9:00 cleaned the house, swept, mopped, vacuumed, did dishes, the house is spotless. Until tonight of course. I made spaghetti for dinner.
Went to bed.

This week is the Volleyball Camp.
It goes from 2:00 to 9:00 for the rest of the week.
I'm excited for the camp. Not excited to get home late all week.

Here is too another Monday, another day another month another hour.
Lordy are things boring right now.

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