Tuesday, March 31, 2009

taxes why must you mock me

Have you ever watched The Lion King?
You know the part where the hyena's are all goofing off and the one hyena says "MUFASA" and the other's shudder in fright.
"MUFASA, MUFASA, MUFASA" shudder shhuuuddeer Shhhhhuuuuuuddddddeerrr.

That's how my body reacts when you say "Taxes"
I get goose bumps, I get a headache, and then I shudder.

I will always have this reaction, it will never ever change.

The problem I have with taxes is, the IRS made them so complicated no one can understand them. (And if you do understand them why in the world aren't you sharing your wealth of information with me???)
If you think something is wrong, who do you ask? Your parents, your husband?
Chances are they will be just as stumped as you.
I think the IRS does this on purpose.
"Hey lets create a system that makes no sense and just randomly change things and deduct more here and none there. Then at the end of the season when you have to file your taxes you will be forced to pay. You of course will know this is wrong or there is some mistake but can never hope to prove anything because they created a system that is bizarre, kooky, crooked and by definition blows.

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