Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And so it begins

Yesterday was the day it began. It's exciting, kinda dreadful while at the same time fun. But there is a lot of work to be done.

What am I talking about?

Well yesterday we had our first calf. (why do I say we, like I was there and had any part in it...)

Rephrase/ Correction:
Well, yesterday the Ranch had it's First calf. (there mucho better)
Then later that night, we er um, the Ranch had it's Second calf.

2 down only 898 more to go.

And so it begins, it would be wonderful if we had tons of calves during this warm snap we are getting. But I highly doubt that will happen. You see cows think they can only birth their calves when it's cold, really cold, negative weather.
Bring on the straw, bottles, rubber bands(poor boys), chains and the jack! Calving season has officially started for the Ranch!

I hope those cowboys are ready.

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