Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Do List update

My Favorite part of making a list.... crossing those suckers off.
Here is what I did yesterday, and I'm only telling you this cause I said I would. Otherwise I would keep it to myself cause really I didn't do that much. Oh well there is always tonight.... right? RIGHT?

Clean out Fridge (I'm growing science projects in there)
Do several loads of laundry I did one....oops
Finish painting (I told you it'd take me forever) Yeah this didn't happen either
Unload dishwasher DONE and re-load Will finish this tonight
Clean my room (it's awfully horrendous) UM, nope
Vacuum I thought about it, does that count?
Make dinner (what should I make)Of course!
Take down outside Christmas Lights DONE
Put away clean clothes (I hate putting those away)I started this. I will finish tonight I think
I really need to finish painting our room (not going to happen today though) no way
Take out the trash DONE
Clean the laundry room Kinda...
Clean the kitty box (ewww, cats are so poopy)UM no, but I will do this tonight
Take care of the Chickens (daily chore) Done
Eat Oreo's on the couch I didn't do this! I repeat, I did NOT eat oreo's on the couch! Why?
Well I was upstaged. How? Ryan got to them before I did.
And you know what he did?
He left the EMPTY Oreo container on the side table so when I went to eat oreos on the couch with a glass of milk the container was sadly empty.
What a cruel cruel thing to do.

1 comment:

Rene said...

Well your list looks like you have it half way done. To bad you didn't get any Oreo's.

I still have to take down christmas lights, but it is to Cold!!!