Friday, January 16, 2009

Leave the poor thing alone.

Holy Moly.
Figuratively speaking... well typing.
Have you ever witnessed someone beating a dead horse, I mean really really beating it?

It's annoying. It's boring. It's disgusting.

Why do people do that? Why? What in the world is the point? I don't get it.

example of Not beating a dead horse:

Take a letter. Say what you have to say, get to the point.
Make it short a sweet, don't draw it out.

example of beating a dead horse:

Take a letter. Say what you have to say, and keep saying it and saying it and saying it.
Say it so much that your reader is annoyed, bored and disgusted.
Then say it some more and some more and some more and some more.
Say it so much more that your reader is stabbing their eyes out with pencils.

Do you see what I mean.

huuhhh, it's exhausting just thinking about it.
And think about that figuratively typing poor horse. Just let him lie.

1 comment:

Rene said...

I get what your are saying!!!