Friday, January 9, 2009

Let the Count Down Begin

Wait... What count down you ask?

Well Calving of course, duh!
Yep it's true, the ranch will start calving in roughly 11 days. Are they ready? Who knows? But either way it will hit, and when it does oh boy.
Grab your Muck boots, and Work Jacket, it's going to be a LONG couple months.

I always love to bottle feed the little sugar muffins! They are so darned cute! Last year I fell in love with a little red baby, and I dubed her mine. Well, mine until she grew up and out of her cuteness!

I'm sure I'll be dragged down to the calving barn against my will again this year. (Ryan thinks I'm his free laborer during calving) Then he will force me to go out on all of his nightly checks and hold the spot light for him. But I'm more interested in making zig zag's with the light then actually checking for cow's calving. Ryan gets so mad.... I get a kick out of it, then I quietly snicker behind him. Don't tell him though, cause the next job I would have to do is the decoy for the mean cows. No thank you.

Did I ever tell you last year I almost died. Yes death by a freight train aka. Heifer cow that did NOT want to go into the barn.
I'll tell you about it sometime.

For some strange reason Calving season makes all the cowboys go crazy.

I'll tell you about that sometime too!

1 comment:

Rene said...

Everyone wanted to know when the calfing season was to begin. Now I know. Keep us posted
love mom