Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh bother

I still have to finish those taquito's.
I still have to start and finish my Easter cookies.
I realize Easter is quickly approaching and my time is running short, but if it weren't for the last minute then nothing would ever get done!

The girls won last night, tonight we play Geraldine. Results to follow.

When I got home I saw something that sucked.
My precious economy sized bag of Kaiser Rolls.
There had to be at least 20 rolls in there.
Yeah, there are 2 left.
2 only 2.
When I get home from the game I'm sure they will be gone.
Damn the man and his lunch break.
Doesn't he realize I have a need for bread in my diet?
I suppose I could always have him go to pick up more...

I can't wait to put out all the stuff I got for Easter! I'm craving Easter candy like crazy.
I will sit on the couch all day and indulge on my carefully selected Easter candy.

In other news, the weather has finally decided to be nice! The snow and rain and wind have subsided if only for a week. It's 62 degree's out there right now!
In the words of Jake Owen.... YEEHAW!
Time for branding, hot dogs, Hamburgers, Ice cream and Margarita's!
(if only for a week at least!)

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