Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I think the world needs a drink

Well put Terry Clark well put.
It's Short, sweet, simple and to the point. And not to mention how I feel. About me and my world. In my world I have a few things that are quick fixes, chocolate or in general anything sweet, drinks (lately it's wine) Ramen noodles.
Do you have any quick fixes? Anything that if your world is falling down some small thing brings you hope, comfort and a full belly?
Do you realize when people are down we turn to food? Well I do, I wish I was one of those people that turns to working out, that would be awesome. I'm pretty sure it will never happen, I have no motivation when it comes to getting off the couch. (No really I don't unless its for VB open gym)

My life is stressful, wanna know how I know? I found a gray hair this morning! (Gray hairs make me want to cry)I pulled it and inspected it on the off chance it could've just been really blond.
I want hair like my Dad....wait let me rephrase that. I want to hold on to my hair color like my Dad, I want to keep my hair like my Mom. Dad is losing hair, not what I want, but he kept his hair color until he was sixty, this is what I want. My Mom still has a head full of hair, yes that's what I want, but she went gray really early, this thought makes me cry.
So maybe my life isn't so stressful and it's just in my genetic makeup for the stray gray's and receding hair line. (My hair line really isn't receding)
However it makes me feel better to blame it on stress. Cause if I move and go on permanent vacation the grays will stop all together! Good theory no?

Tonight is the night. The night for what?
Tonight is the night I will make the Easter cookies.
Wanna know how I know? I've been craving them all day!
Maybe I'll make a double batch of dough and bake and decorate them all tomorrow night. Good plan? I think so.

I wonder if it will stick this time.
Either way I'm getting my quick fix tonight, I have left over Easter Candy still!
I bought enough to last at least until next week.
Wouldn't it be funny if they (who are they?) came out with a new break through.
"Chocolate and in general things sweet create and generate gray hairs."
My world would be devastated. I don't think it would help though, I'd still eat it. It's like my protein.

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