Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Do you have it?
Someone brought it to my attention that my post's are lacking it. Structure that is. I will keep the person's name a secret because giving it away would be rude right?No? Oh then.... It was totally my Sister.

And I asked "Well, what do you mean?"
The culprit said I ramble, and jump back and forth on different subjects.
Then I answered with
"You know what? It's my blog and I can cry if I want to.... nee neer nee neer! And I'm taller."
(I like to be mature and take the high road."

In all actuality I type as I think, nothing is pre-destined or though out here.
All my posts are live action thoughts, it's more interesting that way.
Oh and yeah, that's how I think in real life. Just ask my friends they will vouch for me.

Anyways I said that to then jump to this (keep up sister we are changing subjects again)

So do you have any siblings? Older, Younger?
I have both, which explains a lot. You have to be weird to get attention when you have a larger family and I learned this at an early age.
With my older siblings I was the test dummy, you know just the usual things.
Being hung from the roof by a rope, being dared to get all muddy and have to wash off in the horse tank. The list really could go on and on.

With my younger sister it was different, suddenly I had a puppet to play with.
Of course my only folly was she was "the Baby" now and got away with murder and pooping in the tub. Me and the younger sister have had our moments and it always revolves around a "Love/ Hate" relationship.
First I loved her, she was cute little and slept
Then we moved into we loved to hate each other category
Then we loved to play and then hate each other
Next came I loved to pick on her and hated getting in trouble for it. (Tattler)
Now that we are grown up, well older at least. We get along and love each other (Most of the time)
We are goofy together and usually laugh at some of the dumbest things.
I still like to embarrass her but now she just laughs cause I'm like so funny.
Really I can't be mad cause in the end, cause I'm still taller. (And really that's all that matters right? RIGHT??)

Now she is the last chick in the nest and I'm sure she's soaking it for all she can. (Don't lie I know you are.)
Oh how time flies but some things will always stay the same.
You will always have family and you will always have that same weird dynamic with them whether you are fighting about the floating brown turd in the tub or laughing until 11:30 at night.

Random thought: Cadbury Chocolate Eggs are just as good at 8:00 am as the are at 5:00 pm. Who knew?

1 comment:

Rene said...

You are to funny! I hope your sister read this blog and laughed about it!

Keep up the random writing, I have no problem following it!
love Mom