Thursday, April 23, 2009

Out of the Woods?

Le Sigh

Well last night I landed on the ground and it didn't hurt as much as I originally thought it would! This relieves me to no end, but I can't help but wonder if I'm really out of the woods yet. On the bright side, I fell and got right back up but just to be safe my fingers are still crossed.

They like me, they really really like me!
They asked me to help with Jr. High Track! WhooHoo! (I really am excited, that's not sarcastic typing!) (who is they?)

We have our first meet on Friday depending on the weather.... of course it's been snowing all day so.... chances are our first meet will be next week!

Snow Snow go away, never come back until next may.

I ordered my first School Sweatshirt On the back it will say "Coach Hamilton"
I'm so excited! Other school's coaches might actually think I'm a coach now instead of a player.
It's kind of funny the amount of times Ref's would ask me to get the coach....
"Um, I am the Coach."
"Oh really, I thought you were a player? You look so young."
"No, really I'm an adult do you want to see my driver's license?"
"Um, no no, just get your captions coach."

For Halloween I should dress up like a high school student.
Apparently I can dress like I always do and be golden!

1 comment:

Rene said...

Congrats!! On your coaching job!