Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Power Outages?

This morning on the radio they said
"We are on a winter storm watch, until Thursday afternoon. We are expected anywhere from 8 to 15 inches and 4 feet in the mountains."
"This storm will be hard on livestock, roads, travel and may even cause several power outages."
I guess this means all the track meets scheduled this week are cancelled?
It's kinda hard to triple jump in 15 inches of snow I suppose.

So? Do I have anything to look forward to for the rest of the week? Doesn't sound like it....
I hope we have enough food stocked up in our pantry if we get snowed in.
If not, I will rest easy knowing I have plenty of Ramen Noodles. I will be okay, but I wonder what my husband will eat? Um, coffee??
I'll tell him he could detox with a liquid diet. Because it's like so cool right now and all the stars are doing it. (If only he'd believe me.)

For dinner tonight, I thought about being creative. What do I have in my fridge? Hmmm
Ricotta Cheese (Love that stuff), frozen spinach, artichoke hearts, eggs, biscuits, milk, ramen noodles....
this could be interesting. Not sure what I might throw together, if it's good I'll write the recipe down. If it's horrible, I always have mac and cheese to fall back on, that and cereal. (oh and brownies)

So do you have snow? If your answer is no.... why don't you go to the north pole, then you will know my pain that or send me a plane ticket, get me outta here!

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