Monday, April 20, 2009


Today is a glorious day, even if it is Monday.
The sun is shinning, outside it's 68 (Still sweatshirt weather for me) But Ahhhh it's nice.
I'm at work, dreaming of a white beach with colored and fruity drinks with umbrella's.

I have a plan for dinner tonight! (That almost never happens)

Weekend Recap:

Saturday was the Girls Basketball Tournament. I'm happy to report they came out the champions. That's two championship trophy's under our belt's this year!
After the game we all went to pizza to celebrate where they announced to me that "I needed to coach track for them as well."
My response: "I'm going into hibernation and won't be available until volleyball season!"

Sunday there was a carnival held in town. In this carnival they had a dunk tank. (You know where there is a big tank of water and someone sits on the ledge. When someone hits the mark with the ball the person on the ledge gets dunked in the water.)
For some reason I was talked into being the person sitting on the ledge getting dunked.
However it was fun, the water was so warm it was nice. Like hot tub nice. The only torturous part was getting out of the water to sit on the ledge. I'm so glad I did it because now the little town in which I live by now knows how pretty I am when I'm soaked and shivering sitting on the ledge waiting to be dunked back in the water. (I'm sure I looked like a bald shivering wet rat with clothes on, it's okay though. I think this is a good look for me)

On the agenda this week?
Well I'm not really sure, there are basketball pictures tomorrow then the rest of the week I have nothing planned. Yup NOTHING and I LOVE IT.
This weekend, I think I'm going to fly by the seat of my pants. It'll be awesome.

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